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Rachel Krewson's avatar

Rachel Krewson

Dickinson Green Devils 2020


  • 0 TODAY
  • 727 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    community event
    hosted or attended
  • UP TO
    with people
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    more servings
    of fruits and vegetables
  • UP TO
    not spent in front of a screen
  • UP TO
    of additional sleep
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved

Rachel's actions


Fix Leaky Faucets

I will fix faucets or report leaky faucets to facilities that have been wasting up to 9 gallons (34 L) of water a day or 270 (1,020 L) gallons of water a month per faucet.



Try a New Way to Prep

I will try a new method of food preparation, such as canning, pickling, or baking bread.



Healthy Sleep

Effectively working for sustainability requires self care! I will commit to getting 30 more minute(s) of sleep each night to achieve at least 7 hours per night.



More Fruits and Veggies

I will eat a heart healthy diet by adding 2 cup(s) of fruits and vegetables each day to achieve at least 4 cups per day.



Host a Viewing Party

I will host a viewing party with 3 friends and/or colleagues to watch a movie or present a guest speaker on an environmental issue that matters to me.



Enjoy the Sunrise/Sunset

I will enjoy the sunrise and/or sunset each day.



Leave No Trace

I will practice the seven principles of Leave No Trace when doing nature activities alone or with family and friends.



Practice Gratitude for Earth

I will spend 45 minute(s) each day outside, practicing gratitude (prayer, meditation, journaling, etc.) for Earth and the nature surrounding me.



5-Minute Showers

I will save up to 20 gallons (75 L) of water each day by taking 5-minute showers.



Less Screen Time

I will replace 60 minute(s) of screen time each day with other activities.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Nature Enjoy the Sunrise/Sunset
    Father Thomas Berry says, "...our primary purpose is celebration. Celebration of the dawn and the sunset and the different seasons of the year is a religious ritual, a way in which humans can establish their integral relationship with the universe, with the planet Earth." Respond to Berry's assertion.

    Rachel Krewson's avatar
    Rachel Krewson 4/21/2020 12:28 PM
    Ritual is an important part of our society. This is part of the reason college and high school seniors across the globe feel such a sense of loss over cancelled graduations this spring. An accomplishment of this sort usually has a celebration, yet it is not safe to gather in proper celebratory tradition right now. I am looking forward to the times I can gather with my college friends once again to celebrate our successes and the memories along the way. (Shout out to all of you who are wonderful friends!)
    Nature Practice Gratitude for Earth
    Kathleen Dean Moore says that a sense of gratitude leads to a sense of moral obligation. Do you agree? How do we cultivate a sense of gratitude as individuals, and as a society?

    Rachel Krewson's avatar
    Rachel Krewson 4/21/2020 12:25 PM
    Right now, I am very grateful for all the experiences I was able to have at Dickinson. Although I am so sad that my time there has ended in this fashion, I know it is only sad because I was so happy there. Additionally, I am able to appreciate the simpler things in life right now, like the safety and health of my family and friends, the ability to afford food and other necessities, and a comfortable home life that I can always come back to. I hope we can all take time to reflect in this time of isolation, and give proper thanks to the things that have made us who we are today as well as the fortunes we experience daily, even in a time of crisis.
    Nature Leave No Trace
    Educator Stephanie Kaza advises her students to focus on what they care about most when addressing the enormity of ecological problems. Is there a specific area you feel particularly called to work on?

    Rachel Krewson's avatar
    Rachel Krewson 4/21/2020 12:20 PM
    I feel very connected to water related issues. My studies and work experiences have guided me in this direction so far, and I feel at peace when surrounded by a natural water source. Water is such a simple concept in our lives, and yet it is amazingly complex when you study it in detail. I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained and hope to take it with me and make a difference in my future community.
    Simplicity Less Screen Time
    What did you notice in implementing this challenge? Was it hard to choose other activities over screen time? How did you decide to spend your time?

    Rachel Krewson's avatar
    Rachel Krewson 4/21/2020 12:17 PM
    It is hard to choose other activities over screen time, especially in the times of online classes. This is actually something that really bothered me about online classes. I feel like I cannot escape the screen, whether I am doing readings, participating in classes, or writing papers. Although some screen time is required on campus, I now have trouble escaping it unlike before. My family and I have enjoyed board games, puzzles, and exercise outside to escape the screens from time to time.
    Health More Fruits and Veggies
    How does eating more fruits and vegetables and less meat positively affect yourself, other people, and our planet?

    Rachel Krewson's avatar
    Rachel Krewson 4/13/2020 8:52 PM
    I was already a vegetarian long before this challenge began. Being vegetarian, however, does not mean you eat healthy. I do love a good crisp apple and sautéed fresh veggie mix, but I also crave chocolate and goldfish most days. This challenge allows me to focus my eating not only on things that are healthier for me, but also on foods that are less processed and more local, therefore requiring less energy consumption. The balance between the two is slowly shifting in a positive direction. It's hard to control eating habits during particularly stressful times, but it also reminds me of how lucky I am to have options within what is available for me and my family. Not all families are in the same situation, with the unemployment rate rising by the day. I'm hoping to give back by eating well for the environment, my health, and by supporting others in their time of need.
    Community Host a Viewing Party
    How does environmental quality influence your sense of community?

    Rachel Krewson's avatar
    Rachel Krewson 4/12/2020 8:02 AM
    After we watched Parasite, I talked with my family about socioeconomic issues and how it relates to climate change. The movie does a fabulous job of highlighting the struggles a poor family faces that the rich do not have to worry about at all. I am continuing to think about this in my life and how my neighborhood is lucky that everyone has kept their jobs despite the massive unemployment right now from COVID-19. Because of this, we were able to come together and donate money to medical facilities to buy PPE. We are fortunate not to have to worry about our environment while stuck at home because our home has healthy surroundings, but we can give back to our larger community to help them feel safer during this time.
    Water 5-Minute Showers
    Five minute showers are an impressive step toward reducing your water footprint. What is the next step you can take?

    Rachel Krewson's avatar
    Rachel Krewson 4/08/2020 9:25 AM
    Showers are normally the one thing I am not willing to change, even for my strong environmental passions. They are a way to relax and reset my mind at the end of a long, stressful day. This is the second year in a row that I am doing this challenge, and it's not any easier this year than last. However, it is even more worthwhile to me each day that I complete it because of the value I have internally placed on my shower time. The next step for me would be to continue the frequency of my 5 minute showers beyond the EcoChallenge.

    • Willow Huppert's avatar
      Willow Huppert 4/09/2020 7:47 AM
      Rachel, I also really enjoy a nice long shower and I'm also taking on this challenge!  It's definitely not easy to make the change.  Great job keeping up your commitment :)
    Health Healthy Sleep
    Consider how many hours of sleep you get now. How would you like to shift your sleep patterns? What are you finding works for you to be successful in this action?

    Rachel Krewson's avatar
    Rachel Krewson 4/05/2020 9:03 AM
    I am trying to start my day earlier with a positive mindset, but still increase the total amount of sleep I am getting. This means going to bed earlier, which is harder when I am using less energy throughout the day. I definitely did not get enough sleep as a college student on campus, and with this opportunity to create a new routine during the pandemic, I am trying to structure healthy habits - both physically and mentally.